Fresh 48 – Cooper University Hospital – NJ Baby Photographer

Fresh 48 – Cooper University Hospital – NJ Baby Photographer

Fresh 48 – Cooper University Hospital – NJ Baby Photographer

What is a Fresh 48 session? It is the most amazing, emotional and sweetest session a new family will ever have. Within 48 hours of birth, we come to our clients hospital room to capture the tiny details of their baby that will change so quickly in the first few weeks of birth. It is lifestyle and natural which means there is no posing of baby or colored wraps. We use the baby’s wrap from the hospital and also the hat. It is a memory we want to preserve.

Cooper University Hospital is absolutely amazing. Gorgeously renovated and welcoming right when you come in the door! Staff is wonderful and informative.

Robbie and Priya called 3 weeks before their due date and said they were having their baby! Yay!!! Baby Aveer into our wonderful world on August 5th. Beautiful and healthy as can be. 

When I went to the hospital, shortly after all of her family arrived. It was so nice to meet her in laws, more brothers (I already met the fun uncle 😉 ) aunts, uncles and nieces!

Please enjoy Priya and Robbie’s Fresh 48 session at Cooper University Hospital

cooper university hospital tiny details of newborn baby boy in moorestown new jersey

baby boy with lots of hair fresh 48 session in moorestown new jersey

beautiful new baby boy in fresh 48 session at cooper university hospital

mom holding baby boy in cooper university hospital

mom and dad snuggling with their new baby boy at cooper university hospital in moorestown new jersey

mom and dad snuggling with baby boy in cooper university hospital in fresh 48 session

mom and dad sitting together while looking at their new baby boy in cooper university hospital

mom and dad looking looking at their little boy in bassinett at cooper university hospital moorestown new jersey

dad sitting with his wife holding their new baby boy named aveer in cooper university hospital moorestown new jersey fresh 48 session

mom and dad snuggling with their new baby boy at cooper university hospital in fresh 48 session moorestown new jersey

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